其實letterland的設計是可以skip Early Years的stage的。
如果你女女大過4歲以上,可以一開始就用Programme 1。
我想如果你Start with Programme 1,最基本要買的是:
1. Letterland ABC Book (太古$90)
2. Letterlnd Software (太古$330) 或 Alphabet Songs CD & Handwriting Songs CD (太古$120 & $120)
【因為如果買了Software其實可以唔o西買兩隻CD都得,入面係有o西所有歌,而Programme 1 Teacher's Guide入面係有o西Alphabet Songs及Handwriting Songs 的歌詞】
3. Programme 1 Teacher's Guide (太古$390)
4. Programme 1 Picture Code Cards (太古$330)
5. BBC - Words and Pictures Software 【.Phonic Clip Art】CD-Rom (太古$280)
【有齊o西所有blends,digraphs及Advanced phonemes的發音, o甘唔o西驚自己唔識讀發音,入面已包括埋Programme2要學的內容,重可以印worksheet出來,這CD-Rom是我到太古問Connie如 果驚唔識讀某o的發音時點算,佢介紹我買的。】
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">
Phonic Clip Art is a high quality resource program designed to help teachers create stimulating phonics worksheets, flashcards, games and multimedia presentations for the classroom.
The program provides example words and associated images for each of the short vowel sounds; long vowel sounds; vowel digraphs and trigraphs; consonant phonemes; and consonant clusters.
Extensive help, example worksheets and multimedia presentations are also provided, along with guidelines on how to create your own resources.
Key Content:
900 associated pictures available in both colour and black and white
Sound files available for all words and phonemes
Intuitive program structure and quick search facility
Over 2000 words/parts of words
Extensive help and educational ideas
Age Range: 4 - 7 yrs
其實letterland的設計是可以skip Early Years的stage的。
如果你女女大過4歲以上,可以一開始就用Programme 1。
我想如果你Start with Programme 1,最基本要買的是:
1. Letterland ABC Book (太古$90)
2. Letterlnd Software (太古$330) 或 Alphabet Songs CD & Handwriting Songs CD (太古$120 & $120)
【因為如果買了Software其實可以唔o西買兩隻CD都得,入面係有o西所有歌,而Programme 1 Teacher's Guide入面係有o西Alphabet Songs及Handwriting Songs 的歌詞】
3. Programme 1 Teacher's Guide (太古$390)
4. Programme 1 Picture Code Cards (太古$330)
5. BBC - Words and Pictures Software 【.Phonic Clip Art】CD-Rom (太古$280)
【有齊o西所有blends,digraphs及Advanced phonemes的發音, o甘唔o西驚自己唔識讀發音,入面已包括埋Programme2要學的內容,重可以印worksheet出來,這CD-Rom是我到太古問Connie如 果驚唔識讀某o的發音時點算,佢介紹我買的。】
Phonic Clip Art is a high quality resource program designed to help teachers create stimulating phonics worksheets, flashcards, games and multimedia presentations for the classroom.
The program provides example words and associated images for each of the short vowel sounds; long vowel sounds; vowel digraphs and trigraphs; consonant phonemes; and consonant clusters.
Extensive help, example worksheets and multimedia presentations are also provided, along with guidelines on how to create your own resources.
Key Content:
900 associated pictures available in both colour and black and white
Sound files available for all words and phonemes
Intuitive program structure and quick search facility
Over 2000 words/parts of words
Extensive help and educational ideas
Age Range: 4 - 7 yrs
Yumom 寫道:
Hi, Marie,
You are really an expert in "Letterland". I'm also very interested to buy the books for my kid. But she is quite "old" already and know all A-Z. I teach her phonics myself in the past (of course, not so structure!) Can I skip the early year stage and start from programme 1 directly? Or is there any "minimum requirement", books that we should read so that the kids can catch up with the stories, characters etc. Pls advise. Many thanks in advance.