你講的starter set我不太清楚是包括哪幾樣東西,不過我在網上見到好似成千幾蚊o咼。我最初的時候到太古showroom個sales只係叫我買了四樣:
1. ABC book[太古$90]
2. Early Years Handbook cassette[太古$45]
3. Alphabet songs [太古CD$120]
4. Once upon a time [太古DVD$180]〕
共$430,沒有任何折扣,我當時想買埋本Early Years的Handbook[太古$330]佢都叫我唔好買,話:『唔o西o架,你聽cassette就得架啦,入面o羊都有o西o架...』
不過後來我開始用了之後,我發現如果買Software[太古$330]的話,入面係會有齊o西所有Alphabet Songs同Handwriting Songs及可以click出Alphabet sound聽,所以如果買Software的話其實Alphabet Songs CD及Handwriting Songs CD都可以慳番唔買,不過如果你想小朋友當歌o甘成日在CD機播就例外,因為software入面的歌是不可以抽出來當CD播的,一定要開電腦你 click出來先可以有得聽。所以,好似我個女,佢自己識得播CD聽,想得閒比佢自己聽熟下o的歌,所以我最後都有買CD。
至於本 Early Years Handbook 我自己就覺得幾好,但要視乎各個人的情況適唔適合買。因為佢其實係比老師看的教學指引,每一個letter都好詳細o甘講出點講解,點用教材,及有o羊活 動可以follow up,雖然在家中教自己的小朋友咢洗全部做齊,但係對於像我這些不是太有信心可以教得好的,就好似有本天書跟住,唔洗好似自己都唔知o岩唔o岩o甘亂講, 又驚講錯,又驚講少o左...
Early Years Handbook 的cassette的tapescript都有印o西在handbook內,所以如果比多一次我選,我唔會買cassette,因為cassette好麻 煩,我家中好難可以找到機聽,又唔可以分track聽,如果無tapescript對住,會好悶,又有些唔係太知佢講o羊時,我試過兩、三次都聽到想訓 著....
不過我都在之前的post講過,Early Years Handbook都好貴,又要好有心機同時間看先得,如果自己無興趣看,買了會好浪費,又如果你的小朋友已經讀緊幼稚園,可以不用做early years,由programme1開始的話,o甘更加可以唔買,因為到了programme1的Teacher's Guide[太古$390],係會每個字母再先介紹一次的,不過就沒有early years o甘詳細。
以下係一段係YearlyYears Cassette 入面講Bouncy Ben 的tapescript,你可以看看,其實是給大人拿住本ABC Book,看住張圖,跟住講給小朋友聽的:

screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">
Session 1 : Introducing Bouncy Ben I can see a blue letter on this page. And I can seesomebody looking out of the letter. Can you see two blue eyes looking out of the letter? Yes, those blue eyes belong to a letterland rabbit called Bouncy Ben.
Can you see his blue ball at the bottom of the page? He bounced that ball into to bushes. Shall we put our hand out and pretend we've got a ball and bounce it?
Bounce, bounce, bounce goes the ball. That's right. Put your ball away now, and give your havd a rest.
Bouncy Ben loves playing with a ball. He dose something special with his big blue ball as well. Sometimes he balances his blue ball on top of his head. (That when he change to capital letter B sharp)
Session 2 : Bouncy Ben's shape and soundlet's have a look at Bouncy Ben's blue letter on his page again. Shall we draw it?
I'm going to strt at the top of Bouncy Ben's big brown ear, go down his ear, and then I'm going to go back up over has face... and I stop just under his chin.
And while I do it this time, I'm going to say Bouncy Ben's special sound. You listen. Bouncy Ben says' b..., b..., bl...'. It's a very short little sound.
Can you say his short little sound with me? 'B..., b..., b...'. Yes, Bouncy Ben says, 'b....'.
I can see something yellow right at the top of the page. It uses its yellow wings to fly. Do you know what it's called? That's right. It's a butterfly. a beautiful butterfly.
Wait a minute. That word butterfly starts with Bouncy Ben's sound, doesn't it? "B..., b...' butterfly. That's the sound Ben always makes in words!
And can you see something else that flies in the sky? It has a sting. What's it called? A bee! That's right. It's a buzzy bee.
Who can remember how we draw Bouncy Ben again? Where do we start? Right at the tip of his big long ears. We go right down his ear, then up around his face so he is ready to say 'b..., b..., b...' for Bouncy Ben.
每一課除了有以上的tapescript之外,重有Objective, What you need, Teaching suggestions [ included: Intrucing Bouncy Bouncy Ben, Bouncy Ben's letter shape, Bouncy Ben's sound], Bouncy Ben's words list, Things to do, Things to talk about and Explaining the capital B shape.如果係vowel,重會講埋long vowel man

crabmama 寫道:
Hi marieyuen,
Welcome back ! Hope u had a wonderful CNY.
Let say I would like to start now. Should i buy
the "phonics at home starter" or the CD-rom and
Early Years Handbook u mentioned abt? Is the cassette for kids or for parents ? Do u think it's necessary too ?