如果你是想在家自己教的話,對Phonics又唔係太認識,我好建議買Early Years的Handbook(太古$310)雖然好貴,但係非常詳細的每一個字母同每一樣教材點用都好清楚。screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">好過買Parent's Guide(太古$120)好多。screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">
不過Early Years的Handbook真係要有心機看先好,都好多字架。
Cd-Rom(太古$310)screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">我 都覺得好值得買,因為內裏已有齊Alphabet Songs 同Handwriting Songs而且重有埋letter sound好方便,install一次之後唔洗用碟都load到,隨時可以聽到任何一個letter的sound、及sound,重可以印PDF form的WS用來填色。
ABC book就一定唔少得,但係可以考慮在yesasia買,因為$64.x平過太古成廿幾元呀!screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">Once Upon a time DVD就optional啦,screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">因為佢係分好多個section(a-e)一個故事、(f-j)一個故事...我會教完o個groupletter先比佢看o個個section,所以我個女都係看了section 1o乍。不過$180就都唔算貴,遲早都要買(如果你肯定會用letterland的話)
另外,我覺得Magnetic Letters(太古$60)最底買
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">, 因為有成62個letters用來玩認letters同building words,佢後面重有教你,有o的plain letter點用,因為有時有些字的letter係不發聲或同其他letter拼在一起時有第二種聲,所以要用plain letter,但係就唔講點解住,遲o的一路個故事講落去就會明白架啦。
但係佢唯一美中不足就係無Captial letters,又無一些「特別的組合」,所以我已經scan了Captial letter來自己做磁貼. screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0">如 果想要這兩個file自己做磁貼的話可以比個email address我,但個file都好大,small letterso個個有2MB幾,如果想做磁貼不如買重底,不過可以自己做貼紙,成本大約$5好抵玩;Captial letters差不多1mb 可以印點紙或做磁貼都得。下一步我想我會用programme1同2的code card做埋其他的組合字及特別字。到時o的字組齊o西,想砌o羊字都得啦。
我想用magnetic letter來砌字,重好過用card或Onsets & Rimes Bookscreen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" border="0"> ]
每個家長都想自己的小朋友學好英文,孩子在年紀小的時候,如果能好好掌握英文併音的方法,以後對於學習英文會很快上手,之後再也不用擔心小朋友升上小學後應付不了英文功課、默書和測考,甚至無用經常掛心為小朋友找英文補習老師。 我認為要在小朋友二至五歲時教好他們英文併音,最好的老師只有一個,就是媽媽,所以想分享一下我在家中教女兒的經驗,希望大家也可以和我一樣,教好自己小朋友的英文併音之餘還可以享受親子的樂趣!
2004年1月30日 星期五
2004年1月24日 星期六
BK舊post (3)
我年三十晚特登去多一次太古letterland show room(太古城地鐵站D1出口,夏官閣平台P415 電話:2653 2789)特登買埋Early Years的Hand Book($330)及CD-ROM($330),我覺得隻CD-Rom好好,都好值得買,我用以下approach來教我個女Early Eears的letter story:
1. 看ABC Book入面的大圖,跟Tape的內容(Early Years Hand Book Tape$45,但Tapescript在Handbook都會有得看)講故事,介紹letter的人物,我用廣東話講,但係就會講入面有關於o個個 letter的生字的英文,emphesis個letter sound。
2. 跟住叫佢估下個letter sound是甚麼,讀多兩個words example,誇張o的,多數都估到。
3. 然後講埋佢變capital letter時會點樣(因為我個女已識o西capital letter,要令佢同已有的知識連結番先得)
4. 如果係vowel,就講埋 Vowel Man的由來(內容在handbook)都有。
5.去部電腦度開CD-Rom,level one,每一個letter都有letter sounds,alphabet songs 同 Handwriting songs。先按個letter sound出來同佢聽幾次,之後一齊唱個letter的alphabet songs,起碼唱兩次。最後跟住handwriting songs (CD-Rom會一邊播歌,一邊有線跟住歌畫出個letter點寫)在writing WS(在CD-Rom內有的26個etter每個有一張)畫一次至兩次,但由於我個女未識寫字,我只係當玩下,包住佢的手一齊在WS上畫,之後比埋佢亂o 甘在上面塗鴉。
6. 最後我會叫她在My first reading flash card內找番剛學的letter出來,當係revision,又或者在一些很多letterland character的圖內叫佢找番剛學的那個,問多次佢記唔記得個sound。That's all!
我年三十晚特登去多一次太古letterland show room(太古城地鐵站D1出口,夏官閣平台P415 電話:2653 2789)特登買埋Early Years的Hand Book($330)及CD-ROM($330),我覺得隻CD-Rom好好,都好值得買,我用以下approach來教我個女Early Eears的letter story:
1. 看ABC Book入面的大圖,跟Tape的內容(Early Years Hand Book Tape$45,但Tapescript在Handbook都會有得看)講故事,介紹letter的人物,我用廣東話講,但係就會講入面有關於o個個 letter的生字的英文,emphesis個letter sound。
2. 跟住叫佢估下個letter sound是甚麼,讀多兩個words example,誇張o的,多數都估到。
3. 然後講埋佢變capital letter時會點樣(因為我個女已識o西capital letter,要令佢同已有的知識連結番先得)
4. 如果係vowel,就講埋 Vowel Man的由來(內容在handbook)都有。
5.去部電腦度開CD-Rom,level one,每一個letter都有letter sounds,alphabet songs 同 Handwriting songs。先按個letter sound出來同佢聽幾次,之後一齊唱個letter的alphabet songs,起碼唱兩次。最後跟住handwriting songs (CD-Rom會一邊播歌,一邊有線跟住歌畫出個letter點寫)在writing WS(在CD-Rom內有的26個etter每個有一張)畫一次至兩次,但由於我個女未識寫字,我只係當玩下,包住佢的手一齊在WS上畫,之後比埋佢亂o 甘在上面塗鴉。
6. 最後我會叫她在My first reading flash card內找番剛學的letter出來,當係revision,又或者在一些很多letterland character的圖內叫佢找番剛學的那個,問多次佢記唔記得個sound。That's all!
2004年1月23日 星期五
BK舊post (2)
你知我個多個月開始,已經好想找教Phonics的教材比我個女,由最初Leapfrog的phoics desk開始,到後來找longman的Phonics for kids....
但係最後我都係選o左用letterland,雖然我已經買了Phonics for kids,但係我都收埋唔用了!
有少少個人見解,唔知你同唔同意,好多教phoics的教材套,都係用一o的songs或repeating games去令小朋友記住一o的letter的sounds,有o的會加入一o的人物或物件,令小朋友對letter sound有到深的記憶。
例 如Phonics for kids,"A"是Annie Ant,Annie Ant has an axe,於是有首歌唱Annie Ant has an axe, "a" "a" "a"。如果小朋友聽得多,自然會記得,於是見到A會反射到"a"的short sound。
但 係letterland的approach是不同的,雖然佢都係有一個人物代表"A","Annie Apple"但係佢係一個有性格,背後有故事的人物,當然佢都有首歌(Alphabet Songs)比小朋友唱出佢的sound,平時佢個樣係small letter "a",因為佢係apple會碌來碌去,所以寫letter a時:(writing song)
[size=medium]At the leaf begin.
Go round the apple this way. [由塊葉度開始畫一個圈]
Then add a line down,
so Annie won't rool away.
每個letter平時都係small letter[size=medium]因為其實我們成日見到的字都係用small letter組成的,我唔明點解好多學英文的教材都係學Captial letter先?o甘令小朋友好難catch up with using small letters!
但係每當佢o地start a sentence or a name時,佢o地就會好開心,所以會變樣(變成captial letter)!
"Annie Apple"會其其他apples一齊放在Apple Stand,個stand就係Captial Letter A in shapes!個Stand係邊個做o架?原來有個人take care of Annie Apple and all of her apple friends,佢就係Mr A (long vowel sound of "A") - The Apron Man.......
以上只係每一個letter的[size=medium]Early Years這 個stage的內容,當然重會有其他activities cards,CD、VCD及games等可以要合,最重要係用故事令小朋友在最初認識 Alphabet前記得每人個letter的sound及關係。有好多故事是很有意思的,因為故事是會發展下去,到programme 1及2時,有些letter 走埋一齊時會有唔同的sound。
2. It's wonderful when she gets into PROGRAMME ONE and PROGRAMME TWO. She easily understands "q" must go with "u", quarrelsome queen always bring along with an umbrella, e.g. 'queen', 'quiet', 'quick', 'quack'.....see! 'U' must follow 'Q'.
3. e.g."H" is called 'Hairy Hat Man'. He hates noises so he doesn't put on shoes. He always speak in soft sound 'ha'. When he meets the 'S' (Sammy Snake--------always sound ssssssssss; it's so noisy, right!), he will turn his head to say 'SHhhhh'. It's a good way to let the child understand the structure of the sound through such interesting story.
一般phonics的system去完letter sound,頂多都係去到 -er、-ly、un-、th...講一些一般的blends,跟住又有一些歌或 exercies之類去鞏固,令小朋友記得,但其實只係一小部份,好難可以letterland去得o甘遠:
我 覺得佢係成個language programme,唔只係一個phonics programme,因為了解到phonis的原理後,係好自然可以做到building words及 sight reading words,唔係只係一般的教材o甘知道個letter sound就算,配合其他activities books及 reading scheme,重可以做到writing words及 writing sentences。
[size=medium]不 過我覺得如果想用home teaching的方法教,媽媽一定要自己先下好多苦功,因為佢係一定要靠有tutor用verbal的型式將letter story用唔同的教具去傳授,這亦是全個programme最重要的一環,如果無人講故事,跟本係用唔到這套教材,亂講就重衰!所以我已經買了3個 stage 的 teacher's guide番屋企慢慢 『o米』!除非你o念住send 小朋友去centre度學或者你讀的幼稚園已經用緊。
至 於 age range,其實可大可少,不過我都同意太古個sales講的,只要你小朋友已經識得聽故事,約兩歲,就可以start "Early Year" 因為只係雖要講letter sound 唱 letter sound的歌及聽letter stories,用中、英文講都得。未必一定要去到letter writing。因為Programme1 係會再revision多次letter writing的,到 programme2我覺得都幾深,起碼到5、6歲找學到都未遲...
你知我個多個月開始,已經好想找教Phonics的教材比我個女,由最初Leapfrog的phoics desk開始,到後來找longman的Phonics for kids....
但係最後我都係選o左用letterland,雖然我已經買了Phonics for kids,但係我都收埋唔用了!
有少少個人見解,唔知你同唔同意,好多教phoics的教材套,都係用一o的songs或repeating games去令小朋友記住一o的letter的sounds,有o的會加入一o的人物或物件,令小朋友對letter sound有到深的記憶。
例 如Phonics for kids,"A"是Annie Ant,Annie Ant has an axe,於是有首歌唱Annie Ant has an axe, "a" "a" "a"。如果小朋友聽得多,自然會記得,於是見到A會反射到"a"的short sound。
但 係letterland的approach是不同的,雖然佢都係有一個人物代表"A","Annie Apple"但係佢係一個有性格,背後有故事的人物,當然佢都有首歌(Alphabet Songs)比小朋友唱出佢的sound,平時佢個樣係small letter "a",因為佢係apple會碌來碌去,所以寫letter a時:(writing song)
[size=medium]At the leaf begin.
Go round the apple this way. [由塊葉度開始畫一個圈]
Then add a line down,
so Annie won't rool away.
每個letter平時都係small letter[size=medium]因為其實我們成日見到的字都係用small letter組成的,我唔明點解好多學英文的教材都係學Captial letter先?o甘令小朋友好難catch up with using small letters!
但係每當佢o地start a sentence or a name時,佢o地就會好開心,所以會變樣(變成captial letter)!
"Annie Apple"會其其他apples一齊放在Apple Stand,個stand就係Captial Letter A in shapes!個Stand係邊個做o架?原來有個人take care of Annie Apple and all of her apple friends,佢就係Mr A (long vowel sound of "A") - The Apron Man.......
以上只係每一個letter的[size=medium]Early Years這 個stage的內容,當然重會有其他activities cards,CD、VCD及games等可以要合,最重要係用故事令小朋友在最初認識 Alphabet前記得每人個letter的sound及關係。有好多故事是很有意思的,因為故事是會發展下去,到programme 1及2時,有些letter 走埋一齊時會有唔同的sound。
2. It's wonderful when she gets into PROGRAMME ONE and PROGRAMME TWO. She easily understands "q" must go with "u", quarrelsome queen always bring along with an umbrella, e.g. 'queen', 'quiet', 'quick', 'quack'.....see! 'U' must follow 'Q'.
3. e.g."H" is called 'Hairy Hat Man'. He hates noises so he doesn't put on shoes. He always speak in soft sound 'ha'. When he meets the 'S' (Sammy Snake--------always sound ssssssssss; it's so noisy, right!), he will turn his head to say 'SHhhhh'. It's a good way to let the child understand the structure of the sound through such interesting story.
一般phonics的system去完letter sound,頂多都係去到 -er、-ly、un-、th...講一些一般的blends,跟住又有一些歌或 exercies之類去鞏固,令小朋友記得,但其實只係一小部份,好難可以letterland去得o甘遠:
我 覺得佢係成個language programme,唔只係一個phonics programme,因為了解到phonis的原理後,係好自然可以做到building words及 sight reading words,唔係只係一般的教材o甘知道個letter sound就算,配合其他activities books及 reading scheme,重可以做到writing words及 writing sentences。
[size=medium]不 過我覺得如果想用home teaching的方法教,媽媽一定要自己先下好多苦功,因為佢係一定要靠有tutor用verbal的型式將letter story用唔同的教具去傳授,這亦是全個programme最重要的一環,如果無人講故事,跟本係用唔到這套教材,亂講就重衰!所以我已經買了3個 stage 的 teacher's guide番屋企慢慢 『o米』!除非你o念住send 小朋友去centre度學或者你讀的幼稚園已經用緊。
至 於 age range,其實可大可少,不過我都同意太古個sales講的,只要你小朋友已經識得聽故事,約兩歲,就可以start "Early Year" 因為只係雖要講letter sound 唱 letter sound的歌及聽letter stories,用中、英文講都得。未必一定要去到letter writing。因為Programme1 係會再revision多次letter writing的,到 programme2我覺得都幾深,起碼到5、6歲找學到都未遲...
2004年1月17日 星期六
BK舊post (1)
今日新加入Letter Land大家庭,請各位多多指教。
找到之前有媽媽post過關於 letter land的很多有用資料。
collin 寫道:
1. The characters make her very easy to pick up (& memory) the sound. Not only the sound, but also the memory of writing. For example, she never mix up the "b" and "d".....; the direction of "s" "j"........etc.
2. It's wonderful when she gets into PROGRAMME ONE and PROGRAMME TWO. She easily understands "q" must go with "u", quarrelsome queen always bring along with an umbrella, e.g. 'queen', 'quiet', 'quick', 'quack'.....see! 'U' must follow 'Q'.
3. e.g."H" is called 'Hairy Hat Man'. He hates noises so he doesn't put on shoes. He always speak in soft sound 'ha'. When he meets the 'S' (Sammy Snake--------always sound ssssssssss; it's so noisy, right!), he will turn his head to say 'SHhhhh'. It's a good way to let the child understand the structure of the sound through such interesting story.
4. This phonics system comes from UK. It includes many books, stories, exercises, picture code cards, games, tapes, CDs, viedos------but NO VCD/DVD(See! British style!).
Too many examples, please go to get a cataloge 'LETTERLAND 2003'. Inside the book, you can have many ideas about 'LETTERLAND'.
Tomorrow I will post the way to get the cataloge, it's totally free. ( I left the contact number in office.)
【quoted from 想問下有冇人用過letterland 既"phonics at-home"呀? 】
找到之前有媽媽post過關於 letter land的很多有用資料。
collin 寫道:
1. The characters make her very easy to pick up (& memory) the sound. Not only the sound, but also the memory of writing. For example, she never mix up the "b" and "d".....; the direction of "s" "j"........etc.
2. It's wonderful when she gets into PROGRAMME ONE and PROGRAMME TWO. She easily understands "q" must go with "u", quarrelsome queen always bring along with an umbrella, e.g. 'queen', 'quiet', 'quick', 'quack'.....see! 'U' must follow 'Q'.
3. e.g."H" is called 'Hairy Hat Man'. He hates noises so he doesn't put on shoes. He always speak in soft sound 'ha'. When he meets the 'S' (Sammy Snake--------always sound ssssssssss; it's so noisy, right!), he will turn his head to say 'SHhhhh'. It's a good way to let the child understand the structure of the sound through such interesting story.
4. This phonics system comes from UK. It includes many books, stories, exercises, picture code cards, games, tapes, CDs, viedos------but NO VCD/DVD(See! British style!).
Too many examples, please go to get a cataloge 'LETTERLAND 2003'. Inside the book, you can have many ideas about 'LETTERLAND'.
Tomorrow I will post the way to get the cataloge, it's totally free. ( I left the contact number in office.)
【quoted from 想問下有冇人用過letterland 既"phonics at-home"呀? 】
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